Writers & Writing
Do you think you’d like to write for children? Well, it took me 10 years from the time I decided I wanted to be a writer until my first book was published. What took so long? Learning my craft. I didn't study writing in college. I didn't even know I wanted to be a writer until I had children and started reading children's books to them. So I had to learn the hard way, by trial and error. I piled up a lot of rejection letters in those years, but I'm not sorry. I think I learned a lot along the way. I tell people who are interested in becoming writers that there are basically three things you need to do. Read, Write, and get Criticism. The other things you need are what I call the Two P's - Patience and Persistence!
To read an interview about the writing process that I recently did for Bookemon.com, CLICK HERE!
For a step-by-step, illustrated description of my writing
process to share with children, CLICK HERE!
For a MAKE-A-BOOK project you can do with children,
The World Wide Web is a wonderful resource for aspiring writers. By visiting different sites you can find just about everything you need to know to get you started. I’ve listed some of my favorites below. Just click on them and you’re on your way!
SCBWI (The Society of Children's Book Writers & Illustrators)
The Purple Crayon
Children's Literature Web Guide
The Children's Book Council